Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1225, ADS1220
Hello TI engineers and all others,
I have some follow up questions to issue of incorrect operation of the ADS1225/ADS1226 when repeatedly powered-up as stated in this previous forum posts (link1, link2).
We encounter the issue, that the conversion times are higher than stated in the datasheet with max. 13.3ms (measured up to 14.6ms) with some fluctuations at the beginning when repeatedly powered-up. This leaves us with permanent incorrect measurements when this issue appeared after power-up (START pin is not permanent high, see InitFailure.PNG and InitSuccess.PNG). It is not repeatable on all boards; on other boards between 10 and 100 repeated powers-up are necessary until this issue appears.
As it is stated in these forum posts, there might be an unwanted charge left in the POR circuitry when repeatedly powered-up (and I guess this causes the internal oscillator to run incorrectly) resulting in this issue. We put a 1k bleeding resistor on DVDD, which resulted in reaching 0V after ca. 500ms (see 3V3VDD_Shutdown_1k_Pulldown.png). Unfortunately, this did not improve the appearance of this issue. Same is true for also putting a pull-down resistor on AVDD.
Now I have some follow-up questions:
- Is the unwanted charge drained away fully with such a pull-down resistor on DVDD when 0V is reached (or is this charge between some other pins)? Do you have some specifications on that?
- We could encounter some voltage dips in our application due to net instability. Can this issue also happen after only one incorrect re-powering (DVDD not returned to 0V)? Do you have any data on that or a systematic behavior you can provide?
- Does this incorrect power-up only result in a slightly slower oscillator, so one can measure the conversion time at the beginning and it will stay true for the whole operation?
Schematic: We use a 3.3V LDO on AVDD and a 3.3V switching regulator on DVDD, which powers up cleanly 60ms after AVDD. AVDD and the reference voltage powers-up simultaneously. Buffer is not enabled and high-speed mode is selected.
Thanks in advance,
3V3VDD_Shutdown_1k_Pulldown.png (yellow line with 1k pull-down)