Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE5807, OPA1632, , THS4551, THS4521, LM7705
In a previous design of our ultrasound system we used the AFE5807 as our front end. To control the VCAT, we were using a differential output DAC with FDA (OPA1632) to drive the VCNTLP and M pins between 0V and 1.5V difference. In order to drive the VCNTLM pin to 0V, we created a negative supply for the FDA.
For our next system, we are looking at using the AFE5818, which appears to have similar specifications with double the channel count, meaning we can use a single chip rather than two. I am investigating using this in our design.
On the old system we had other devices which required a negative rail, so driving the FDA from a dual supply was not really an issue. However on the new system we no longer have any other sections that require a negative rail, so creating a negative supply just for a single amplifier isn't ideal.
I've been looking for rail-to-rail FDAs to see if we can use a single supply, however the closest I have found would be something like THS4551 or THS4521. Both have good noise performance and plenty of bandwidth. However although nominally rail-to-rail FDAs, they can on drive as low as 0.2V or 0.08V respectively.
I note that the VCAT gain is relative to the difference between VCNTLM and VCNTLP, and that no minimum or maximum specification is given for the common mode voltage - only the typical value of 0.75V. I wonder therefore if it is possible to adjust this common mode voltage to something like 0.95V? (essentially keep the 0V to 1.5V differential swing, but drive the VCNTL pins between 0.2V and 1.7V).
Alternatively, if that is not possible, could you recommend an FDA that is capable of driving to 0V from a single supply?