Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3450,
we want to measure four single-ended channels (voltage range 0 to 5V) with a gain of one and AVDD as reference. We will supply AVDD directly from a 5V reference chip (e.g. REF3450), DVDD is supplied with 3.3V.
If we set MUX[3:0] to 1000 (as an example for the first channel: AINP = AIN0, AINN = AVSS) - what is the output code for AIN0 = AVSS and for AIN0 = AVDD? (Do we lose one bit in this unipolar configuration?)
I can't find this kind of information in the datasheet and I haven't the hardware yet (to try it out) but I already want to implement the software... :o)
Thank you very much for your help in advance!
With best regards,