I'm designing a system with ADS7924. It has a dual role: it will (1) provide the samples to the Host for a closed-loop control, and (2) generate an alarm if the levels exceed the threshold.
The Alarm acts as a fail-safe and (using additional devices) disconnects the monitored system even if the Host is stuck for some reason.
For this reason I need to be able to monitor the sampled values _without_ stopping the automatic conversion.
This is in contradiction to the datasheet which states: "TI _suggests_ interrupting this mode and stopping the automatic conversions, either by setting the mode to Idle or configuring the alarm to do so, before retrieving data."
What would happen if I don't stop? will the values be wrong? will the alarm malfunction? is there any design which will lessen such issues?
Additional information: it will be possible to clean-up the data in the Host somehow if need be. Power savings is not an issue. I intend to use Auto-Scan Mode, but Auto-Scan With Sleep Mode or Auto-Burst Scan With Sleep Mode can also be used if this improves matters.