Dear Sirs or Madams,
SCL pin and SDA pins need external pullup resistors.
Is it acceptable that the pullup on SCL/SDA pins are activated after this IC has been powered on?
Please let me show an example below;
There are two power signals, VDD_1 and VDD_2, and VDD_1 is activated earlier than VDD_2.
On this condition, can we connect VDD_1 signal to this IC's VDD pin and pull up SCL/SDA pins by VDD_2 signal?
If we connect signals as mentioned above, SCL/SDA pins will be left floating
from the moment when VDD_1 is activated, which means this IC is powered-on,
to the moment when VDD_2 is activated.
Does this floating on SCL/SDA pins at powering up cause any problems on this IC?
Best regards,
Shinsuke Tanaka