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I use a TSW 3085 as Tx and a TSW 1266 as Rx. Using signals with a sampling rate equal to that of the user guide (614,4M) I get a good SNR and the received signal is the same as the one sent.
I have a question regarding the sampling rate. Which option do I have to change in the TSW308x Evaluation Module to change the sampling rate? and the TSW1266 Evaluation Module? writing a different rate in HSDC pro does not work, I believe I need to change something in the Evaluation Module to change the sampling rate.
Thanks for the answer
I need to find the interpolation and clock rate in the TSW3085 software control. If I send a pattern with a different rate, I can not adjust the sampling rate.
For example, using the test file:
If I use the WCDMA_TM1_complexIF30MHz_Fdata614.4MHz_1000.tsw and I set the data rate to 614.4 M in the HSDC pro, I can see the same signal in the spectrum analyzer.
If I use the WCDMA_TM1_complexIF30MHz_Fdata307.2MHz_1000.tsw and I set the data rate to 307.2 M in the HSDC pro, I can not see the same signal in the spectrum analyzer. I see a signal with half bandwidth.
I would like to know where I find the interpolation and clock rate options in TSW3085 Software Control. Is it in the LMK4800 Control? Is it in Advanced? Is it in Output? Is it in the Digital? Is it in the Input? I'm sending an image of the TSW3085 control set to a rate of 614.4 M. I found the description of how it works in the manuals, but I did not find where I have to switch in the TSW3085 Software Control.
We know that: data rate x interpolation = DAC sampling rate.
Using DAC3482_1228p8MHz_2xInt_NCO_30MHz_single_sync_source_mode the interpolation is 2x.
Using the WCDMA_TM1_complexIF30MHz_Fdata614.4MHz_1000.tsw and setting 614.4 SPS on the HSDC pro the system works perfectly.
Using the WCDMA_TM1_complexIF30MHz_Fdata307.2MHz_1000.tsw and interpolation of 4 x the systen doensn't work perfectly. The bandwidht is wrong and the spectrum have many repetitions
The system works correctly only if i setting data rate 614.4M.
My doubt is: What do I have to change for the system to run at a rate of 307.2M? And with lower rates? Which option do I have to change in tsw 3085 Software control? I'm sorry if the answer is obvious, but I have not found it in any manual.
Thank you very much. In the spectrum analyzer the Tx is now running at a sampling rate of 76.8M.
In Rx, I use Tsw 1266. What options should I change to have a 76.8M rate on the Tsw1266 Gui?
If i change the Clock Out 2 and 3 my sampling rate changes, but I can't reach the SPS of 77,8M. I read the User's guide, but they show a exemple with a 614,4 SPS. How in can reach the rate of 77,8 M?
I am sending the regs I use.
ADS5402 Registers: 0x00 0x0000 0x01 0x0002 0x02 0x0780 0x03 0x4b18 0x0e 0xaaa8 0x0f 0xa000 0x1a 0x4b18 0x2c 0x0000 0x34 0x0000 0x37 0x0000 0x38 0xfff0 0x3a 0x081b 0x3c 0x0000 0x3d 0x0000 0x3e 0x0000 LMK04800 Registers: 0x00 0x400a819 0x01 0x000a805 0x02 0x400a819 0x03 0x600a801 0x04 0x400a819 0x05 0x400a819 0x06 0x2800000 0x07 0x0400000 0x08 0x0000800 0x09 0x2aaaaaa 0x0a 0x4880210 0x0b 0x02c0880 0x0c 0x0986003 0x0d 0x1d81012 0x0e 0x0100000 0x0f 0x4008401 0x10 0x00aa820 0x18 0x0000006 0x19 0x0020800 0x1a 0x47d4000 0x1b 0x0e000fb 0x1c 0x0008c00 0x1d 0x00c0005 0x1e 0x0280005 0x1f 0x0000000 LMH6521 Registers: 0x1 0x3f 0x2 0x3f
I can only describe the high level setup that you will have to configure yourself. You will have to work with the clocking team (forum) offline to set your own LMK04800 setting
1. you need to adjust the PLL loop 1 to still accept the 61.44MHz clock from the TSW3085 to ensure the TSW3085 are synchronized to your TSW1266 for coherent observation path for the DPD
2. you will need to adjust PLL loop2 VCO such that the clock divider output will have divided down clock to be 77.8MHz.
The following two main setting in the LMK04800 are the ones that you need to adjust.
Unfortunately this forum is not for the discussion of both system setup (for your overall transmitter and observation receiver setup) and also clocking setup. This is a task that you have to do on your own for your development. I can only provide some tips for you to continue. Good luck with your project!