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ADS8887: Low Resolution Problem During ADC Read

Part Number: ADS8887
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF5045, OPA333, REF6045, OPA197


 Me and my colleagues are struggling with  ADS8887 18-BIT ADC Component (ADS8887IDRCR). We have desired to read the voltage value with 0.1 mV error tolerance.Therefore, we chose this component but unfortunately we only achieved to get adc results with 7-8 bit resolution even though we apply the same signals (manually)  which demonstrated on the datasheet (4-WIRE OPERATION) .I am going to share my main code , raw data and oscilloscope results.

Every feedback and  advise would be so helpful.

Here are some raw data examples =>     0.0 Volts->75760

                                                                          0.1 Volts->75776 

                                                                          0.5 Volts->79856
                                                                         1.0 Volts->84976
                                                                         2.4 Volts->98288
                                                                         3.8 Volts->112624

Figure shows the Raw ADC Values we have received

(PS: These values doesn't change even one integer)

Here are Oscilloscope Screen shots =>

MAIN CODE/////////////////////////////////

#define CS 47    //PL2(DIN)
#define SCK 52   //PB1
#define MISO 50  //PB3
#define M0SI 51  //PB2
#define CONVST 45 //PL4

byte val;
void setup() {

  pinMode(39,OUTPUT);         //adc ch1 power enable

  DDRB = DDRB | B00000010;     //SCK is output
  DDRL = DDRL | B00010100;     //DIN and CONVST are output

  DDRB = DDRB & B11110111;

  PORTL = PORTL & B11101011; //CS and CONVST LOW
  PORTB = PORTB & B11111001;  //SCK LOW

  unsigned long MISO_;
  unsigned long clk=0,clk2=0;     //these two parameters are used in delay operation
void loop() {
  PORTL = PORTL | B00000100;        //CS HIGH
  PORTL = PORTL | B00010000;        //CONVST HIGH
  MISO_ = 0;
  for(int i=0;i<50;i++)              // 5 cycle boyunca SCK
    PORTB = PORTB | B00000010;  //SCK HIGH
    while(micros-clk <1)
      clk=micros();                 //OR AND Operation takes different amount of time so we make them equal

    PORTB = PORTB & B11111101;  // SCK LOW

  PORTL = PORTL & B11111011;     //CS LOW
  byte val = 0;
  MISO_ = 0;
   for(int i=0;i<18;i++)            
     PORTB = PORTB | B00000010;     //SCK HIGH
     val = (byte)PINB & B00001000;      //   READ DOUT PIN
     val = val >> 3;                    // shift it to LSB
     val = val & B00000001;
     MISO_ = (MISO_<< 1) | val ;                     //Shift the value 1 bit left to get next bit
    Serial.print(" = ");
    while(micros-clk2 <1)
    PORTB = PORTB & B11111101;     //SCK LOW
  PORTL = PORTL & B11101111;                  // CONVST LOW


  • Hi Burcay,

    Welcome to the TI e2e Community!

    Please provide a schematic showing the input driver as well as the reference circuit.

    I assume you are using a 5V reference. Please keep in mind that the output codes of the ADS8887 are in 2's compliment format to support an input differential range of +/-Vref (I assume +/-5V in your case).

    Also, the SCLK duty cycle needs to be 45% to 55% to meet data sheet requirements. It looks like your clock is >90%.

    Keith N.
    Precision ADC Applications
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your response,

                   I have set the SCLK duty cycle between 45% to 55% but it didn't make a difference.(As  shown in figure below)


     We are using 4.5 Volts reference which provided by REF5045 component. ADS8887 , OP-AMP Circuit and Reference circuits are shown in figure below.

    Thaks for your time and consideration.

    Burçay YURT

  • Hi Burcay,

    The reference buffer, OPA333, is probably the main source of noise that you see. This amplifier is not able to directly drive the reference input of the ADS8887, which consists of a switched capacitor requiring high speed dynamic currents. In fact, the internal REF5045 driver will likely perform better than the OPA333 as you have it configured. If you only need to support 10ksps, you can use the OPA333 in the circuit configuration shown in Figure 61 of the datasheet, but you will need to add an external RC filter.

    Another option for the Reference is to use the REF6045. This reference includes a high speed buffer designed to directly drive SAR ADC reference inputs.

    For the analog inputs, these also need an RC filter. I have not used the OPA197, but you should be able to get good results. Please refer to figure 58 in the datasheet for the input driver recommendation.