Dear Sir/madam,
I have a discrepancy in first four bits returned by ADS8353 when performing the readback of CFR register. The bits R15 R14 R13 and R12 are always 0 (confirmed with an oscilloscope) when I issue the CUFF read back command and not 0011 as they should be according the Table 10 of the datasheet. All other bits returned by CFR readback are as I set them with CFR write command. Likewise when I read REFDAC_A and REFDAC_B, R15 R14 R13 and R12 are as specified in the datasheet Table 10. Also the conversion results I get seems to be in ordered. So ADC is working as expected except for the CFR readback.
My current CRF readback procedure is:
Cfr write:
Set the CFR by sending 1000 and CFR.b10 and CFR.b6 to 1 (all others 0) all in one frame with 48 CLKs.
Cfr read:
Send one empty frame (all zeros) with 48 CLKs. (Frame F in 8.5.3 Data read operation of the datasheet)
Send 0011 and rest 0 to read back CFR. (Frame F+1 in 8.5.3 Data read operation of the datasheet)
Send one empty frame (all zeros) with 48 CLKs to get the values stored in CFR. (Frame F+2 in 8.5.3 Data read operation of the datasheet)
The CLK speed for a serial communication is currently set to 195kHz. CS between frames is set high for aprox. 1us.
Is this a known error or am I doing something wrong? I tried my procedure with two different ADCs and both exhibit the same behavior.
Best regards,