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DAC5682Z: DAC5682Z spikes

Part Number: DAC5682Z


we are using four DAC DAC5682Z in a our product. The DACs are all used without interpolation, only one channel on at 1 GSPS. DACCLK:250MHz, DATACLK:500MHz(hardware sync),After the initialization, sometimes  the DACs start generating a signal with several spikes except the second one. When the spike occurs, a re-sync can recover the output. We tried a lot of ways to adjust it but it did not work.Can you give us some advice? Thank you!


  • Hi Sumey,

    We are taking a look into your issue, and will be back with you shortly.

    Are you able to share a schematic? Do all of the DACs exhibit this behavior, or just some of them? The re-sync clears the spike condition?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Dan,

    Thank you for your reply.The schematic is shown as follows Three of the four DACs exhibit this behavior except the second one. And the re-sync can clear the spike condition.



  • Sumey,

    If you are running with the DACCLK at 1GSPS and the DATACLK at 250MHz, you must use interpolation by 4. What is this signal you call hardware sync that is running at 500MHz?



  • Hi Jim,

    W are running with the DATACLK at 500MHz. And our problem has been solved last week. We found that the difference between the trace length of DACCLK(CLKIN) and the length of the DATACLK trace needs to meet a certain range. However, we did not find a clear design requirement in the datasheet. Can you help explain this strange question?


  • Hi Sumey,

    There is DLL on DAC will help you relax your signal routing of DATA line and DATACLK. Please use the DLL and set it recommended setting according of page 12 of the datasheet and see if your issue is fixed.

