Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF6030, , REF5030
We are building data acquisition system based on ADS8866 (Vd = 3v3 V analog 3V3 sampling rate 30KHZ), and external reference voltage supply REF6030 we have two questions we want to ask.
1. Would be possible to run two ADS8866 from single reference voltage source ie REF6030, or we need to have two dedicated reference sources for each ADC?
2. Before the ADC we have non-inverting OPAMP amplifier circuit to boost the gain of the incoming signal, we would like to bias amplifier to Vref/2. Question:
can we use simple resistor divider and connect it to Vout of REF6030,
or should we put an OPAMP buffer between Vref output of the REF6030and our OPAMP circuit,
or opamp bias circuit has to be independent from REF6030 which is also supply ADC reference?
Please advise,