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ADS7842: Can ADS7842 be used with VDIG=3.3V, VANA=5V and VREF=5V?

Part Number: ADS7842

 Hello guys,

 One of my customers is going to use ADS7842 for their new products.

 They have a few questions as the follows.

Q1. Can ADS7842 be used with VDIG=3.3V, VANA=5V and VREF=5V?

Q2. When is the timing of input multiplexer selecting?

      The device converter should starts converting with CS=L and WR=L.

      Is the multiplexer selected (Latched) at WR rising edge before converter start timing?

      For example, could you please tell me any sequence procedure to get converted data of AIN2?

 Your reply would be much appreciated.

 Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Apologies for the late response

    This device was released almost 2 decades ago, and after looking into the history of the device, there is not too much information available outside of what is listed in the datasheet.

    The datasheet states that this is a single supply device, thus VCC in the datasheet VANA = VDIG. These pins, though labeled differently, must be at the same potential.

    As for the timing, I would refer to the timing diagrams on page 11 of the datasheet. The Mux latches at the falling edge of WR when CS is low.

    To select a channel, the A0 and A1 pins must be onfigured based on the below table.

    If you would like, I can help find a newer device that meets your requirements. Do you need a parallel interface?



  •  Hello Cynthia,

     Thank you very much for your reply.

     Your reply is very helpful for the customer and me.

     I will ask you again if the customer need some other device like parallel interface implemented.

     Thank you again and best regards,
