We are designing weight scale AD-conversion with ADS1131.
There is one nasty feature, circuit gives very high single readings to SPI bus time to time.
Stable reading may work several minutes, but fail may happen twice or more in seconds.
Averaging don’t work since instability is even more visible.
We did glitch filter for taking out very high transitions,
but then scale don’t react immediately to the change of weight.
Customer don’t accept our reaction delay and we don’t have a good solution.
Our speed is 80SPS, PDWN is always ON and no bridge switch on use.
SPI clock cycle is 32us. Clock starts 150us after ready detection, MCU is cortex M3.
These scope pictures are just ok, only couple last bits vary ok level.
I haven't succeed to take real error to scope yet.
Timo Toivola