Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FMC-DAC-ADAPTER, , DAC3283
We are going to use DAC3283 in our product, so we brought DAC3283EVM board and one FMC-DAC-ADAPTER.
Use Xilinx standard KC705 FMC output LVDS data and clock to DAC3283.
Settings as below :
- TXENABLE pin connect to VCC.
- Interpolation : 2x
- dac clock : 307.2Mhz
- ostr clock : 19.2Mhz
- FPGA output clock to DAC3283 : 307.2Mhz
- FPGA output frame to DAC3283 : 19.2Mhz, one signal pulse according to datasheet
- FPGA output data, we tested Sine waves, Squre waves, and constant value such as 0x7777, 0x3333.
Using SPI interface, we could read the temperature sensors, control CDC62005 clock frequency, and use oscilloscope to make sure all signals output to DAC3283 are valid.
But we cannot output any current, IOUTA and IOUTB seems no any signals.
We also make our own board, and the result is the same, no any current output.
So, we are confused using this DAC3283, is there any tips how to control the output?