Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSC1210
I have a problem with the ADC. I simply can't get it to send me DRDY pulses. When I read from registers I also get the same results (usually 255 or 0 from all registers)
This is my wiring:
I think that the wiring is correct and I am not missing anything. Maybe only a decoupling capacitor at VDD.
This is the part of the board with crystal:
When I turn on the board the DRDY is high and it gets low after a few seconds and it won't get high anymore or give a pulse.
The supply voltage is 3.3V as you see. I use a LDO regulator from 3.5V to 3.3V.
The control board is NUCLEO-L432KC and the function to read registers is:
CS1 = 0; char pp[2] = {0x10,0x0F}; char rd[16]; mspi.write(pp, 2, 0, 0); wait_us(500); mspi.write(0, 0, rd, 16); CS1 = 1;
The rd[0] to rd[15] is then Feedback: 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255