I would like to repeat the same question because I can't find the answer anymore and I would like to make the question more precise, expanding it too.
I have to define a schedule for the data flow from ADC. In a continuous repeated cycle of tens / hundreds of ms I need to acquire data only for a fraction of the cycle time (about 0.5 ms).
In this scenario the reference voltage and also the CLKM, CLKP, are always active.
In order to reduce the warming of the ADC, my idea could be to turn off the ADC for the fraction of the cycle time when the data is not collected.
Since all electronics should run continuously for years with only a few short shutdown periods every few days, two questions arise:
1) Is it safe to turn off the ADC (with the power-down pins) with the clock and reference active?
2) If the ADC is continuously powered down / on, can the reliability be affected by aging? I mean, do you have information on the maximum life cycle of the device in these operating conditions?
Davide Badoni