Following is our circuit diagram:
Iout is connected to a 330E resistor followed by the ground terminal of a bench top DC supply configured for 24V and current limit set to 40mA, while the positive of the DC supply is connected back to D4 in the schematic.
The problem is as follows:
1) When the device is powered ON, the current in the loop is ~3.4mA (calculated by the voltage drop across the 330E resistor).
2) When a current value is set (we tried a few values like 0x2AAA, 0x9C40, 0xEA60) the output current changes to the set value for 100ms and then goes back to 3.4mA.
3) This time duration coincidentally matches the Timeout Period (TM) mentioned in the datasheet.
4) We do not have the provision to read back any data or error messages that might be issued by the device.
5) Also, we do not see the current changing for all values between 10000 and 65000 (for ex. the current doesnt change for 30000).
Please advise on where could the issue be. Thank you for your help in advance,