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ADS8638: Manual or auto mode

Part Number: ADS8638


I am using the above converter and have a simple question.

We want to use the same converter but in two different modes, at different times

1. Sampling all 8 channels sequentially

We are using the device in auto mode, with all channels enabled as per the flow chart example in the data sheet. 

2. Sampling 1 channel out of the 8 repetitively.

How is it best to do this mode?

a) Reconfiguring 04h to use manual mode set to this channel. (MANUAL MODE)

b) Reconfiguring 0Ch to have only a single channel enabled in the auto sequence. (AUTO MODE)

I would hope that the result is the same, but wanted to be sure.

Many thanks, best wishes

Peter M

  • Hello,

    Both methods you have listed under your 2, entry to sample the same channel repeatedly will function.

    Deciding between the two depend son how much you would like the  master to talk to the ADC.

    in manual mode, the master will need to start each conversion for the channel.

    While if you change the auto sequence, to only have the single channel enabled, the device will repeatedly sample it without anymore interaction from the master.

    I would suggest using the auto sequence and change the enable channels, but this depends on your design and availability of the master to communicate with the ADC. I suggest looking at page 33 from the datasheet to make sure you know are aware of how the device will behave during the operating mode transitions.

