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ADS4246: How to synchronise 2 units of ADS4246 on the same board?

Part Number: ADS4246

I have used 2 units of ADS4246 on the same digital board.

I need them to be synchronised for my application.

However, each time when I power up the board, the output of these 2 ADS4246 may or may not be synchronised.

may I know how I can "set" or "reset" or "program" them to be syncronised?

thanks in advance.

  • Yeow,

    Make sure the clock phase is the same (with no delay if possible) at the input of both parts. Use an external reset for both parts and make sure the delay is the same at both parts. Make sure power and clock is present to both parts before issuing a reset.



  • Hi Jim,

    I have measured my

    1) both IC's input clocks are <250ps synchronisation error

    2) Common Power plane and common Ground plane are used to supply to both IC. And they are side by side. 

    3) All control pins are grounded and no possibility to do hardware "reset". 

    However, still have some instances 180 degrees out of phase at data output



  • YT,

    Per the data sheet:

    "A high pulse on the RESET pin is required in the serial interface mode when initialized through a hardware reset. For parallel

    interface operation, RESET must be permanently tied high."

    If you are using serial SPI, are you following this? If using parallel SPI mode, is RESET tied high?

    Are you using LVDS or CMOS outputs? What is your sample rate? Is the clock provided after power?



  • Hi Jim,

    If in parallel mode, and the RESET is set to low, what is the consequence?

    LVDS, ~120M, Power on, Clock signal not monitored, but assumed at the same time.



  • YT,

    The registers will be in an undefined state. Do you have any way to toggle this reset or write to the reset register using the serial SPI interface?



  • Hi Jim,

    I tried to Software reset both IC at the same time. Although the Syncronisation become "better", but not totally in "complete sync".

    Each step is (1/120MHz)

    The unsync is about +1 step or -1 step with reference to 1 of the IC.

    I can't get them on complete 0 step sync, or completely in sync.

  • YT,

    Have you tried a hard reset to both parts at the same time? How are you resetting both parts in software at the same time? Are you sure they are getting the register writes at the same time with respect to the sample clock?  



  • Hi Jim,

    i am unable to do hard reset as the pin is permanently grounded.

    Ctrl 1,2,3 all grounded.

    i can only do the soft reset, somewhat improved the unsync condition but not completely making it 100% sync


    yeow teng

  • Yeow,

    Try turning off the clock just before doing the soft rest then turn the clock on after the reset is complete.

