Here's our need:
We're going to build a one-off in-house wide/parallel cable testing machine for our in-house Reliability Lab. This will test many conductors simultaneously (100+), looking for not only "open circuit" failures, but also increase in resistance over time & fatigue.
Certainly, the Current-input can be converted to Voltage sensing with some external passives… right? Our need is certainly not for high accuracy, so external resistor dividers with diode clamps for input protection would work fine. We do desire to run it at the full 6.2kSPS mode, to watch for short duration intermittent breaks. Any suggestions in this direction? We'd like to use around 5VDC for the voltage to feed the cable conductors with... but there's complete flexibility there. IMHO, coming up with a "TI suggested" Current-Input to Voltage-Input circuit would open up even more applications for these "massively wide" ADC's.
Lastly... using the Eval kit as a starting point, we'll need to write our own PC software to get the UI and operational modes we need. How much help can TI offer as far as providing a starting point for source code? (FPGA code? existing UI source code?)