I am using ADS114S06B in one of our project. I am not getting proper data from the registers including device id. My program sequence is as follows :
SPI Settings : Baud Rate - 20Mbits/s,8 Bit data format, MSB first, CPOL-0, CPHA-1
Program flow :
Hardware Reset
1) Reset pin set to 0
2) Delay 10ms
3) Reset pin set to 1
4) Delay 100ms
Software Reset
5) CS pin set to 0
6) Send Reset command to spi (0x06)
7) CS pin set to 1
8) Delay 100ms
Read Chip ID
9) CS pin set to 0
10) Read Chip ID from ID register(0x00)
11) CS pin set to 1
Here i am getting 0x06 instead of 0x05 as mentioned in datasheet. Also other registers value is not matching with default value mentioned in the datasheet. If write some other value in registers and read back again, values are not same.
Kindly support me what wrong i am doing to short out the issue.
Asish Banerjee