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ADC32RF42: seeing shifting of data dependent on which ADC chip

Part Number: ADC32RF42

We are running 2 adc chips, both channels on each and are trying to synchronize the data of all 4 channels in the time domain. We have successfully accomplished this on another board, but on this board we are seeing data that is shifted in the time domain on 1 chip only (both channels). We can add a delay to said signal to move it where we need it, but we have to change this delay every time we restart our software or reboot the board. Which makes us think it might be related to a register setting or something. 

normal signal into adc chip #1 channel b

the same signal but now inserted into adc chip #2 channel b. note that the point around 10250 is no longer within the purple shaded region. we get similar behavior on either channel a or b of the second chip.

Thank you!