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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP91000, LMP2231

To design a selective gas sensor with a 4-electrode amperometric gas sensor I will need two potentiostatic circuits (we have 1x reference electrode, 1x counter electrode and 2x working electrodes with different sensitivities / selectivities). Is there a potentiostat ic for 4 electrode sensors? If not: Is there a reference design for the bi-potentiostatic circuit using two LMP91000's?

Thanks Chris

  • Hi Chris,

    The LMP91000 + LMP2231 can do this job.

    See the example below wiht some calculations.

    The main equation of a 4lead gase sensor is the following (1)

    (1) Isignal = Isensing - (RTIA_AUX/RTIA)*Iauxiliary

    then yuo can write the classicla transimpedance equation for the 2 TIAs

    (2) VOUT = INT_ZERO + RTIA*Isensing

    (3) VAUX= INT_ZERO+RTIA_AUX*Iauxiliary

    The previous equations together with equation (1) give the following result

    (4) Isignal = (VOUT-VAUX)/RTIA

     The previous calculation refers to the ideal case, in the real world the external amplifier usually has an offset and a bias current that could impact on the measurements.

    The complete equation which takes in account these effects is listed below:

    (5) VAUX= INT_ZERO+ RTIA_AUX *(Iauxiliary -Ibias_LMP2231)+VOS_LMP2231

    When  equations (5) and (2)  are replaced in equation (1) , the signal current is the following:

    (6) Isignal = (VOUT-VAUX)/RTIA + VOS_LMP2231/RTIA – RTIA_AUX/RTIA * Ibias_LMP2231

    The LMP2231 has a very low input bias current (less than 1pA @25°C and less than 50pA @125°C) that is negligible if compared to the auxiliary and sensing current of a 4-lead gas sensor. Moreover the gas sensor manufacturers suggest an RTIA_AUX/RTIA << 10, so the term RTIA_AUX/RTIA * Ibias_LMP2231 is negligible. The equation (6) becomes:

    (7) Isignal = (VOUT-VAUX)/RTIA + VOS_LMP2231/RTIA

    The offset voltage of the LMP2231 is less than 150uV @25°C and less than 230uV@ 125°C, moreover its drift is less than 0.4uV/°C.




  • Thanks Domenico.

    Gonna try this design.


  • Hello there.

    So far it looks like it is working nice for our application. Thanks again.
     Nevertheless we were having lots of problems with damaging the lmp91000 with ESD.

    Would you have any proposition for an ESD protection design?

    That would be grant.


  • Hi Christian,

    at device level we do not have any ESD problem. Can you clarify when the does the ESD problem happen ? Are you  perhaps connecting the sensor or disconnecting it while the LMP91000 is on ?

