Hello Dear friends! I have problem with getting eeg or ecg signals via my board that I designed for my thesis project. firstly I must mention about my board. it contains stm32f4 mcu, ADS1299 adc and peripheral units such as uSdCard, accelerometer, bluetooth. I got inspired from OpenBCI while desinging my board and I brought it to certain ground. but the board cant read eeg or ecg signals. I dont have a problem with SPI comm. because I m able to read the internal test signals or Register Values modestly but regarding get eeg or ecg signals I m getting oscillations. I have tried to solve my problem so much but there is no my chance. if you could help me it would be appreciated! I attached images below which contain circuit diagram, internal test signal and oscillation signal.
I get those eeg signals in uV level when connecting electrodes to the brain surface and I suspect those signals to be noise???
Here is my ads1299 schematic and Lowpass Filter which contains 2.2k res. and 1uF cap each per chan.