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ADS1298: ADS1298 DRDY pulsing (isn't working properly)

Part Number: ADS1298


I'm trying to program my ADS1298 and I got a problem with DRDY signal. He's pulsing after the RDATAC (4 ms as expected) and returning to low state. The triggering level is on 1.6V and my scope reads 4V on DRDY pin.

delay_ms(2000);        // tpor

    CS = 0;             
    SPIx_Write(0x06);    //  RESET
    CS = 1;           
    delay_us(20);           // 18 tclk

    CS = 0;
    SPIx_Write(0x11);    // SDATAC
    CS = 1;

    CS = 0;
    SPIx_Write(0x0A);    //STOP
    CS = 1;

    SPIx_Write(0x41);            //WREG
    SPIx_Write(0x18);         //24 values
    SPIx_Write(0x86);         //CONFIG1
    SPIx_Write(0x10);         //CONFIG2
    SPIx_Write(0xC0);         //CONFIG3

    all other registers are 0x00, except GPIO (0xF0).

    CS = 1;

    CS = 0;
    SPIx_Write(0x08);    //  START
    CS = 1;

    CS = 0;
    SPIx_Write(0x10);    // RDATAC
    CS = 1;

tsclk = 500ns



What did I wrong? DRDY is telling me that new data is ready. But, after that, is DRDY must go to high state after CS = 0? Besides I double checked my INT pin, I predict that he still isn't working properly. 

Thanks in advance,


  • Hello Rhuan,

    Thanks for your post.

    DVDD = 4 V is beyond the allowed operational spec for this device. The maximum DVDD supply is 3.6 V with respect to DGND.

    /DRDY will idle low when you are not reading the data. A few tCLK periods before the next sample is ready, /DRDY will return high so that the next falling edge occurs in line with the data rate period.

    When you do read the data, /DRDY will be cleared and return high in sync with the first SCLK falling edge.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Ryan!

    Thanks for your support. I checked my DVDD and I got 3,58V -- and i'm inside the absolut range of supply.

    I tried all the resolutions and I saw the correct  interval in ms between these pulses. 

    Once I read the ID, I believe that my CPOL and CPHA configurations are correct and the transmissions are occuring correctly.

    What I'm still not understand is the behavior of DRDY.  After the first CS = 0 before DRDY = 0, can DRDY behave like your explanation?

    Thanks again!


  • Hi Rhuan,

    I'm glad you got it working!

    /CS and /DRDY operate independently of one another. /DRDY transitions low at the set data rate regardless of whether the interface is active or not. Any time you send SCLK, the first SCLK falling edge will clear the /DRDY signal (see Figure 59 and Figure 60). If you do not send SCLK, then /DRDY will remain low until a few tCLK periods before the next sample is ready (see Figure 63).

    Best Regards,