I have received the following error message while connecting to an EVM...
What does it mean?
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This notification only occurs if you've manually selected a COM port to connect to which the software would not normally select automatically. It is an indication that something went wrong while attempting to identify the connected EVM. This can occur for a few different reasons:
How does the GUI identify the connected hardware?
The software may read from an onboard EEPROM and/or read a register value from the DUT to check if the expected hardware is connected. If one or both of these tests fail then the EVM hardware is considered to be "unrecognized".
Can I connect my own hardware to the PAMB controller?
We know that it can be very convenient and helpful for our customers to be able to quickly prototype and test their hardware. Designing a PCB with an MCU or FPGA and writing the software for it can be very time consuming (believe me I know!). Therefore, we have tried to make it possible to support this kind of a use case with the PAMB controller either by allowing you to jumper-wire to the PAMB board or design your hardware with a similar BoosterPack formfactor and pinout as the EVM. You will NOT need to provide a programmed EEPROM on your hardware to connect using the GUI software. The above warning message will allow you to proceed using the software without it verifying the hardware's identification.
That being said, while we want to enable you to use our EVMs in this way, it may not always be possible. If you run into problems while using your own hardware we'll try to help point you in the right direction, but please note that we won't be able to assist with modifying the EVM software to work with custom hardware. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to ask!