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ADS8028: ADS8028 ADC Transfer function

Part Number: ADS8028

12-bit ADS8028 datasheet was last revised over 8 years ago, so I would be amazed if this were a long-lived datasheet error.

My question should be clear from the annotations in the screenshot.



  • Hi Matt!

    Well, you're definitely correct and the full-scale should be 0xFFF and mid-scale at 0x7FF for a 12-bit straight binary device.  This diagram likely got copied from a 14-bit device in the family which would match the code range shown in Figure 32.  We'll make a note to update this figure in the datasheet in our next update cycle.


  • Holy smokes 8 years and nobody else noticed this??  

    I asked another engineer and I got all kinds of nonsense arguments about why the labels were correct.  Sheesh.  

    I want TI to have a datasheet bug bounty, and there should be some prize like some TI schwag or maybe a factory refurb graphing calculator or something.

    Think about it.