Hi, I was interested in using the PCM290XC series of USB audio convertors for a project of mine. I primarily need the ADC interface with the DAC having little to no use for my project. I have noticed that while the ADC noise (when there is no signal input) is less than -89dB, the noise itself has peaks spaced 1kHz apart. In other words, there are spectral peaks at 0Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 3kHz and so on. While this is not an issue when the input signal level is sufficiently high, it does become a problem when the signal is low and amplified in software. The noise is pretty visible at frequencies above 4kHz. The following image is the FFT magnitude spectrum after amplification/scaling by 50dB:
Has anyone else faced this problem and if so have they found a way to reduce this noise?