This is weird. It seems that output sent to stderr is printed at a rate of 1 char per second, while output sent to stdout is fine.
I took the "blinky" example and added the following code to main.c:
GPIO_IF_LedOff(MCU_ALL_LED_IND); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); printf("Hello, world!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Done\n"); // // Start the LEDBlinkyRoutine //
i'm setting both stdout to line buffered mode, the print strings to stdout, then stderr, then stdout again (using fprintf this time, but it doesn't matter).
The result is: "Hello world appears instantly", then i get E-r-r-o-r-\n printed one char at a time, with approximately 1 second between each, then "Done" is printed instantly and the code continues on to blink the LEDs.
I'm using CCS on Ubuntu 15.10
Here, i even shot a video: