after being absent for a while in this topic I wanted to start some new microcontroller projects with the MSP430.
So I got me an MSP-FET and was surprised how well it goes together with my Ubuntu 15.10 and CCS!
But now it's time to write some code... and there are some difficulties whose reasons I can't work out.
After building a Release configuration (Compiler: TI v4.4.6 and v4.4.4), there are two rather big .obj files linked:
One of them 100 bytes and the other 88 bytes. What are they used for? Also the other ones...
As I am trying to fit all this code into an MSP430F2001 with only 1kB Flash, these 188 bytes (and more...) are pretty valuable...
While my program for itself is about 500bytes, the flash is almost full.
So, is there anybody willing to enlighten me what these files do or how to exclude them from building if not necessarily needed?
Best regards,