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DLPC3439: Request for more debugging info

Part Number: DLPC3439
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01226, , DLPA3005

    I also encountered a problem similar to that on the E2E about DLPC3439,I have a custom projector which uses the DLP4710AFQL, DLPA3005D and DLPC3439 controllers, similar to the TIDA-01226 ref design. There's no MSP430, HDMI receiver, or USB interface,a different micro is there to signal projector_on, monitor status pins, and talk I2C.Main power is 12VDC, and the interface voltage and flash voltage are both 3.3v. The mirror signals are wired according to option2.

firmeware :FWSel_DLPC3439_DLPA3005_pm2_i2c0x36_v7p7p1

After I order the projector on, INTZ, M_IRQ, S_IRQ,and  RSTZ rise.Then M_IRQ,S_IRQ falls,Then the DMD and the LEDs briefly flash on,at the same time,INITZ falls,after 80ms, INITZ  rise,3005 led driver shutoff,but I2c communication is normal.
Additional info:
LED_SEL_0,LED_SEL_1 have Waveform,
Flash Build Version: 7.7.1
System Software Version: 4.2.2
Controller Device ID: DLPC3439
DMD Device ID:60 0D 00 73

K15 PIN of 3439  have 20hz signal

p14 PIN of master 3439 have 60hz signal

can you help me?

  • Hello User,

    Welcome to the E2E forum and thank you for your interest in DLP® technology!

    As you mentioned, you noticed the INT_Z being pulled down and then rises, it can be helpful to observe the power-up/power-down timings and look at the supply signals (including VBIAS, VOFFSET, VRESET). Please refer to the DLPA3005 Datasheet Section 9 and let us know your observations.

    Do you have any other customer boards to check? If so, it may be helpful to see if this issue is only on one or both systems.



  • HI   

        Thanks for the reply.。Let me describe what I observed:

    Power sequence on board
    proj_on rise
    sup_5p0v,sup_2p5v rise
    after 3ms,PWR_5P5V,DRST_5P5V,LLUM_5P5V rise
    after 1ms,PWR_1 rise
    after 11ms,PWR_2 rise
    PWR_3 not use
    after 10ms,PWR_4 rise
    after 10ms ,RESET_Z rise
    after 20ms ,DMD_VOFFSET rise
    after 80ms ,DMD_VBIAS DMD_VRESET rise

    This power sequence is consistent with the power on sequence in the datasheet  of dlpa3005。I have two customer boards ,
    The problem is the same,What else should I check?



  • Hi Jack,

    Thank you for the information!

    Can you please tell us the meaning of PWR_3 not use?

    The PWR_3 needs a VIN supplied and a load on it, otherwise the SW will configure a fault and the DLPA3005 will not power up correctly. 

    I would like to confirm that when you saw "after 600ms ,DMD_VOFFSET,DMD,VBIAS ,DMD_VRESET,INIT_Z falls", is there any other power supply signal drops? Or they stay consistent? 



  • HI  Lori ,

         Thank you for your answer,The PWR_3 have a VIN supplied ,PWR_3 out with 1uf capacitor ,not others load. When INIT_Z falls,DRST_5p5v  have  a sharp pulse of 1v,then fall 5.5v,others poewer supply stay consistent.How can I know which power supply is out of order?




  • Hi Jack,

    Can you please provide the VIN measurement? VIN is supposed to be 19 V, and it must be higher than the UVLO setting in the FW to avoid triggering the UVLO. 

    Please let me know your observations on VIN, then we can try to help you with the next step of debugging. 



  • HI  Lori ,

       I have tested 12v input and 19v input, the results are the same。Does the firmware cause this problem?



  • Hi Jack,

    INT_Z falling is an indicator that the DLPA3005 is detecting a fault and triggering an interrupt to shut-down the system for protection. This may be a result of low power, over voltage faults, or overheating.

    Is it possible to use a probe to monitor VIN to ensure that the input power does not drop below the UVLO threshold?

    Additionally, since you have I2C communications, please try issuing a Read System Status command (op code 0xD1). This command is described in Section of the DLPC3439 Software Programmer's Guide. Please let us know of any errors that are returned.



  • HI:

         I understand which INT_Z falling is an indicator that the DLPA3005 is detecting a fault ,but what I need to know now is what caused it. How do I check?

    The 3005 register has a clear indication of the error type. How can I get this information?

    The information returned by System Status command (op code 0xD1) is 00 07 00 04, which indicates that no error has occurred. 

  • Hello Jack,

    Given that you seem to be able to maintain communication with the DLPC3439, there is the option of reading the DLPA3005 registers. The register map for the DLPA3005 can be found in Section 7.6 (page 44) of the DLPA3005 datasheet. Using the Write External PAD Address (EBh) and Read External PAD Data (EDh) commands detailed in Sections and of the DLPC3439 Software Programmer's Guide, you will be able to read back the information detailed in the DLPA3005 datasheet's register map, including multiple status registers.

    Please let us know if this provides any insight into the failure.


  • Hello  Austin:

         Thank you for your answer,BUCK_GP2_PG_FAULT  bit  is  1,PWR6  fault. similar to the TIDA-01226 ref design,PWR5,PWR6,PWR7 not use。Is the firmware mismatched? Can you send me a suitable firmware?



  • Hello Jack,

    Thanks for confirming and sharing the register data.

    Our expert will  get back to you within few days.

    Thanks for your patience



  • Hi Jack,

    The Buck GP2 is enabled by default. If you are not using PWR6, you can use the Write External PAD Address (EBh), Write External PAD Data (ECh) and Enable Register (01h) for DLPA3005 to disable the Buck GP2 [bit 4: 0 for general purpose buck 2 disabled].

    Please refer to the following two E2E posts on how to update the flash image with uploading Auto-Inti batch file. The latest DLP LightCrafter Display GUI v7.4 is available on DLPLCRD-GUI page.

    I hope this helps.

