These FAQs provide users with basic guidance for debugging when encountering issues with the DLPC410, DLPC900, and DLPC910 EVMs. It offers steps for resolving common issues and includes links to past discussions on similar topics.
Common steps for debugging
Although the DLPC410, DLPC900, and DLPC910 are different controllers there are some common steps that are shared between them. When debugging any of the controller EVMs it is always helpful to reference the documentation provided for the respective controller. For example, the DLPLCRC900EVM, has a EVM User Guide, Programmers Guide, and Datasheet for the DLPC900. All of which will be available at the top of each of the EVM debug guides.
Each controller feature LEDs that help indicate the states of the controllers, FPGAs, and power of the board. This is always useful for debugging and isolating what the issue might be related to.
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DLPC900: [FAQ] DLPLCRC900EVM: Debugging FAQs - DLP products forum - DLP®︎ products - TI E2E support forums