We borrowed a DLPLCR70EVM kit and one of the mechanical parts was missing (part Mech_DLP011_2503321 in the design files on the DLPLCR70EVM website).
The whole DMD was working well with a projection optics holder that came with the DLPLCR70EVM board), but once we detach the projection optics holder everything fell apart, so we had to custom 3D print the Mech_DLP011_2503321 part. The 3D print held down the DMD very firmly and the DMD is connected to the board.
However, the assembled board using the custom 3D print didn't work (no test patterns were shown when we switch on the DMD, and when we try to connect the board to the Discovery 4100 Explorer GUI . We found out that with the projection optics holder, the 4 gold rings on the board were connected (tested with a multimeter).
Therefore, we connected the 4 rings on the board with copper tape, and then used our 3D print to hold the DMD down to the board (not shown in the image). There is an insulation layer (black tape) between the conductive copper tape and the EVM board to make sure the copper tape doesn't short other pins.
However, this still didn't work. So I'm wondering what does the Mech_DLP011_2503321 part actually do? Does it have to be conductive so that the EVM board can work?
Thank you.