Host: BeagleBone Black with Debian 9 image.
Thanks for some answers in this forum to cope with GNU C compiler change, I get the pattern_display compiled and running fine with -t (test pattern) option.
However, if I tried to use a 640x360 24-bit RGB image (vertical_variable.bmp) as the input pattern and tried
./pattern_disp vertical_variable.bmp 1 3
then I got "Float point exception". I have searched code in the "structured_light" folder and did not find any error handling producing this phrase, so I guessed that it may be beyond this code causing issue? However, the DLP2000EVM seems to behave normal with other testing code in /opt/scripts/device/bone/capes/DLPDLCR2000/ (such as MPlayer demo code, etc.)
I'd appreciate some help to move forward. Thanks!