Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP9000X
I am operating DLP9000X and DLPC910 on custom board with Kintex UltraScale+.
However, the NS_FLIP function is not working, and instead of writing decrementally from the address specified by ROWAD initially, it writes incrementally.
If you have any potential causes, please let me know.
Also, is the NS_FLIP functioning correctly on the DLPC910 evaluation board?
The NS_FLIP signal is asserted even before the CTRL_RSTZ is released.
The DMD image when data is first written to 600 rows and then incremented (NS_FLIP = 0) to write up to 999 rows, followed by resetting Block 6-9.
The DMD image when data is first written to 999 rows and then intended to decrement (NS_FLIP = 1) down to 600 rows, followed by resetting Block 6-9.
The DMD image shows that only the 999 rows have been block-reset, appearing black, while the part that was written incrementally (instead of decrementally) is not block-reset, so it appears faint.