I am new to the DLPR200, and I'm still trying to figure out how things work. Our goal is the following: We have some (binary) patterns between which we would like to switch at irregular intervals while a camera is acquiring. (A typical scenario would look like this: the camera is acquiring at 30fps, and we would like pattern 1 to be displayed for the first 10 frames, pattern 2 for the next 50 frames, pattern 3 for the next 200 frames etc.)
I set up a little program which loads patterns into the static image buffer (using DLP_Img_DownloadBitplanePatternToExtMem()) and set the data source to SL_AUTO. I can then manually switch between patterns using DLP_Display_DisplayPatternManualStep().
Is there any way to do this final step (switching between patterns) using a hardware trigger (at irregular intervals, as described above, and at low framerates, such as 0.01 - 0.1 fps)? I'd like to use output signals from the camera to have patterns precisely displayed for a certain number of frames. As far as I've understood, the VSYNC signal on J505 is for regular framerates which are much higher than what I need.
Thanks very much for any help,