Part Number: DLPDLCR2010EVM
I am using a DLP Lightcrafter 2010 Evaluation Module for my experiments. The recommended power supply is 5V. However, in my experience, the device usually works without problem if the input is a little higher (7.5V or 9V) although I always use a 5V power source.
Recently, I tried to power the device with a 9V power supply, by mistake. The device turned on for a fraction of a second and immediately turned off. I realised this might be due to incorrect power supply and changed it to 5V. However, the device does not power up after that.
The power supply I am using is rated 1A.
The voltage across the J12(power input) is ~2.4V no matter what power supply I use.
The D15(SYSPWR) LED turns on but the D16(PWRON) LED does not.
I fear some part of the circuit is damaged, although there is no heating or burning smell which makes me think most of the important components are fine.
Did I blow up a fuse in the device and can I replace it? Is the device damaged permanently? Are there parts that I can salvage?
Any help would be appreciated.