Part Number: DLPLCR6500EVM
I have been using the pattern-on-the-fly mode of my DLP LCR 6500 evaluation board and it suddenly switched to standby mode and displayed the error "Unable to switch from Memory Mode. Error: Controller/DMD Incompatible" and the Controller/DMD incompatible status box was ticked. It was then stuck in standby mode and could no longer be controlled by the software.
I have tried resetting it and it sometimes displays the error "Unable to reset. Error: i" although even when it didn't display this resetting did not do anything. Unplugging and plugging back in also did not help. I then looked though these forums and my error seems to be similar to Parastoo Khosh's: My LEDs are also all as they should be. I have uploaded v4.1 of the firmware using v3.0 of the GUI but this did not help either. The flex cable only has a single 90 degree bend with a radius much larger than the recommended minimum 25.4 mm. I also unscrewed the cable and cleaned the contacts on the cable ends and circuit boards, although they weren't visible dirty. The cable didn't have any breaks or sharp kinks so I reseated it. I had only been using the DMD for a few hours up to the point that it stopped functioning and haven't modified the hardware or software. The software still recognises the firmware as v4.1 when it is connected to the board.
Do you have any idea what might be causing this error?
Thanks in advance,