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Create test order got error: Invalid Line of Credit.

傳入Create Test Order 


  "order": {

    "checkoutProfileId": "****",

    "customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "Q-tim001",

    "endCustomerCompanyName": "qisda",

    "expediteShipping": false,

    "customerOrderComments": [


        "message": "MY TEST ORDER from Tim"



    "lineItems": [


        "customerLineItemNumber": 1,

        "tiPartNumber": "NE555DR",

        "customerPartNumber": "MY CUSTOMER PARTNUMBER",

        "customReelIndicator": false,

        "quantity": 1,

        "customerItemComments": [


            "message": "SOME COMMENT GOES HERE"





        "customerLineItemNumber": 2,

        "tiPartNumber": "LM358PWR",

        "quantity": 1






"errors": [


            "errorCode": "ERR-TICOM-ORDER-API-0009",

            "type": "Validation",

            "section": "Generic",

            "field": null,

            "reason": "Invalid Line of Credit. ",

            "message": "Check your line of credit information and provide the correct information and resubmit the request. For additional information refer to",

            "data": null



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