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[FAQ] TI-Email-Ordering: Backlog email suite error codes and meanings


What do the email suite error codes mean?

  • Error code Error details Remediation steps
    TI-EPO-001 Unable to Identify Customer site. Please review the site related information. Contact TI API Support ( for assistance and provide a detailed description of the error.
    TI-EPO-002 Missing CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Purchase Order Identifier.
    TI-EPO-012 Missing CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Purchase Order Line Item Number.
    TI-EPO-013 Missing SupplierProductIdentifier data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Supplier Product Identifier.
    TI-EPO-014 Missing CustomerExpectedUnitPrice data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Expected Unit Price.
    TI-EPO-015 Duplicate PO items found on the request. Remove duplicate PO item(s) and resend the request.
    TI-EPO-016 This line item contains an unexpected Change Indicator: [ ]. Use I for Insert, U for Update, X for Cancel, or N for New. Provide a valid change indicator and resend the request.
    TI-EPO-017 This Line Item contains an unexpected action code. Based on your account setup, you are only expected to send 'N' (new) or blank/empty action codes. Contact TI API Support ( for assistance and provide a detailed description of the error.
    TI-EPO-018 This Line Item contains conflicting Line Item header information. Only schedule fields can be different with in the same line item such as Quantity and Delivery Date. Resend the request with a corrected line item header.
    TI-EPO-021 Missing CustomerRequestedQuantity data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Requested Quantity.
    TI-EPO-022 Missing CustomerRequestedDate data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Requested Date.
    TI-RMDV-001 Missing or Invalid CustomerRemittanceAdviceIdentifier data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Remittance Advice Identifier.
    TI-RMDV-002 Missing or Invalid CustomerPayerIdentifier data from Input file. Resend request with a valid Customer Payer Identifier.
    TI-RMDV-003 Invoice number missing Resend request with a valid Supplier Financial Document Identifier.
    TI-RMDV-004 Amount is missing Resend request with a valid Customer Net Payment Amount.
    TI-RMDV-010 The specified amount was not recognized as a valid number. Resend request with a valid amount.
    TI-RMDV-011 The specified amount could not be differentiated between US and EU number formats. Resend request with an unambiguous number format or contact TI API Support ( for assistance.
    TI-EQT-001 Missing Supplier Product Identifier. Resend request with a valid Supplier Product Identifier.
    TI-EQT-002 Your account is currently not setup to send quotes. If you would like to send quotes, please contact support. Contact TI API Support ( for assistance.

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