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TIOL1113: Driving inductive loads

Part Number: TIOL1113


I want to use the TIOL1113 at Ta = -40 .. +85°C. Io (lim) = 150mA. Io (nom) = 100mA. I have 2 questions regarding inductive  loads:

1.) Figure 29 and 30 of the datasheet show that the internal circuit can demagnetize the 1.5H at a steady state current of Io = 240mA. So I assume that the circuit is safely capable of demagnetizing the energy at lower currents (100mA)?

2.)  Is there any restiction in switching frequency due to medium power dissipation? For my application 2.5Hz would be sufficient.

Best regards,


  • Hello Chris,

    Yes, the TIOL113 is capable of safely demagnetizing inductive loads up to 1.5H.  As shown in the datasheet it has several protection diodes to protect the device from the kickback voltage which it will clamp and dissipate. 

    1.) Yes, the device will safely demagnetize the energy at lower currents.  In fact, lower currents are preferred if possible and will help lower the device heating that comes from dissipating the energy stored in the inductor. 

    2.) There is not a defined specification for the maximum switching frequency and this is likely somewhat dependent on other operating conditions of the application.  Your desired switching frequency of 2.5Hz should be fine.  As shown in figures 29 and 30 of the datasheet, the device will take approximately 10mS to demagnetize the inductive load and in theory would be the limiting factor on the maximum supported switching frequency. 

    However, the device will incur some amount of heating when it dissipates this energy and therefore should be allowed some amount of recovery time to avoid eventual thermal shutdown. Other factors such as your ambient temperature, normal power dissipation, board size (for cooling calculations), etc. will all factor into this.

    I have run tests with a 1.5H inductor and 240 ohm resistor with switching frequencies of 10Hz and 100Hz using an EVM at room temperature and L+ = 24V without issues.

