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SN65LVDS179: Using SN65LVDS179D to drive multiple SN65LVDS179D recievers

Part Number: SN65LVDS179
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS104, DS90LV001

Currently we are using this chip to synchronize radars together. We are using three of these chips. One is driving itself and two other chips. The differential receive lines each have a 300 ohm resistor. The radars are located at the top of a tower so the driver differential line is traveling down 100 feet to a break out board that splits the driver differential line into three pairs that then go back up the tower to the receive side of this chip. We are experiencing issues when we try to expand to more than three radars because the resistor values are chosen to be optimized for three radars (300 ohm). The more radars/300ohm resistors we add to the circuit the smaller the voltage swing gets. We are looking for a better transceiver design, such that one driver could drive any number of receivers without the addition of resistors. We need a actively biased type chip and design.