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TUSB212: schematic check

Part Number: TUSB212


1. Could you help check the below TUSB212 schematic and any need to adjust

2.Should the TUSB212 be placed close to the connector or close to the chip on the PCB?

USB2 Redriver.pdf

  • Hi Gareth,

    Are R2167 and R2168 being implemented or not? If they are, make sure you are looking at the values of Rdc and Req, as with Rdc, you should only at most have one resistor attached for either a pull-up or pull-down scenario, and with Req, the value of R2168 does not match any value of Req that is recommended for any AC boost level.

    As for placement, redrivers work best when placed at the connector, that way the signal is at its strongest when it is coming out of the connector.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions or concerns.



  • Hi Ryan

    Attached is the updated schematic.

    1. Do I need to enable or disable if I2C is not used? If I2C does not use the float, is it still the current circuit?

    2. PIN9 currently cannot pull up/pull down.

    3. EQ is not currently on file.

    4. Regarding the position of the USB2 re-driver on the PCB, I am not quite sure what you said. Do you mean to place it close to the USB2 connector? But if it is placed on the connector side, it will exceed the length specified by our SI (12"). Or do I need to place it close to 12"?


  • Hi Gareth,

    1. If I2C is not being used, pins 3/4 should not be held High, they may be left floating. As long as I2C is not on, nothing should change.

    2. This will result in DC boost level 2 then, which seems to be intended.

    3. Is the EQ pin being pulled down to ground or left floating? If pulled down to ground, then the AC boost level will be 0.

    4. Yes, I mean close to the USB2 connector. Generally, the closer to the connector, the better for the signal. If you want, you can place it to where you are within the suggested 12'' and as close to the connector as possible, and see if it works from there.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

