There is a circuit where PCA9544ARGYR is being used and after testing with three different units in two different boards (2 units in one pcb, one unit in the second pcb) the conclusion is that somehow there is a point that is missing. I would like to get a confirmation in terms of what's the bare configuration required to have this expander to work?
- All the interrupts are not floating.
- There are 2.2 k Ohm pull up resistor on I2C Master but.
- Vdpum = 3.3 V
An oscilloscope have been used to test that data was send over the right bus (within the circuit there more than one i2c) and that the integrity of the signal is acceptable meaning that the logic levels to determine a logic one or zero are within range.
The problem is that once all of these is assembled, the following command is issued:
sudo i2cdetect -r -y <i2c-bus>
There is no response from the i2c expander.
Any idea of what may be happening?