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THVD8010: Are THVD8000 and THVD8010 interchangeable?

Part Number: THVD8010
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THVD8000


Providing the RFset and Fo is fixed to be 300kHz and below, they should be interchangeable. However, there is a table in THVD8010 datasheet and a graph in THVD8000 datasheet for Fo relative to RFset and I am unsure if they match. Do they?


Best regards,


  • Hi Sebastian,

    1. Both the THVD8000 and THVD8010 have the same setting resistors for modulation frequencies between 125KHz to 300KHz

    2. They aren't  100% interchangeable because of the receiver threshold values - the THVD8010 can't reach as high of modulation frequencies as the THVD8000 but the THVD8010 has a much larger receiver hysteresis.



    So depending on the direct system these devices are placed in the THVD8010 is more noise resistant due to its higher required threshold - but that also means the THVD8010 will be more sensitive to attenuation than the THVD8000.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will see what I can do!


    Parker Dodson

  • Thanks, that is all I needed to know, we will revert to THVD8010 due to the lower cost. We don't need the higher bitrate the THVD8000 provides and will select an F0 that suits both.