Hi all, I am trying to develop a loopback tester using 2 different retimer devices on two different boards. The goal is to be able to generate a CDR lock between the devices without a host to lock onto for a stable frequency reference.
I have board 1 configured to generate a PRBS-9 sequence, while free running the VCO, and I have board 2 set to the default 10.3125 Gbps configuration.
When connected to my host, I am able to obtain a lock and monitor eye diagrams, but I am unable to obtain a lock when using board 1 to generate a free running sequence.
I am monitoring address 2 of each channel to get a status of the receiver (board 2).
I get various different responses from each channel's cdr_status register:
1000 0000 = 0x80
1000 0100 = 0x84
0100 0100 = 0x44
0100 0000 = 0x40
0000 0010 = 0x02
0000 0001 = 0x01
0000 0100 = 0x04
0000 0110 = 0x06
To me it seems like we have timeframes where a channel can obtain a lock because the PPM count has been met, and the Single Bit Limit has been reached, but we never can.
I have tried setting/clearing SINGLE_BIT_LIMIT_CHECK_ON (Bit 3 of register 0x0C, and it changes which responses I can get from cdr_status register, but still no lock).
My hunch is that the freerunning VCO frequency is all over the place, as shown by Bits 1:0 in the cdr_status register being unstable.
My next steps would be to hook up the PRBS output to a high frequency scope and try to decode the data rate, or set the multiplexer to output the VCO I-clock and do further tuning.
First, I would like to verify that this setup is even possible.
TLDR: Can a DS125DF410 generate a PRBS signal when free running the VCO, such that another DS125DF410 on another board can lock onto that signal?
Thanks for your help