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SN65LVDS179: SN65LVDS179 EVM Availability

Part Number: SN65LVDS179

Looking for an EVM for lab work for any of the SNLVDSxxxx family.  Anything available?

  • Hi Richard,

    You have SN65LVDS179 in your title, I assume you're looking for something that would fit this device specifically?

    We currently had a re-org and the LVDS portfolio now belongs to TRX. I will likely need to talk with the prior engineer to see if we have an EVM for a single TX/RX full duplex LVDS device....  (Assuming you're looking for SN65LVDS179 specifically)


  • Hi Richard,

    I've checked with the prior engineer who has informed me we don't have an EVM for this specific device. I can put this on our list of EVM's we need to develop though. 


  • Hi Bobby,

    I believe it would be a good idea to create an EVM for the SN65LVDS family... my customer will most likely create their own to do the evaluation. Thanks again.


    Rick Zarr