Dear TI Team:
We use TCA9548A in our project, but with different voltage domain for the VCC of TCA9548A and pull up voltage.
Pls check the picture as below,
TCA9548A is powered by VCC_3V3, I2C from master is pulled up by VCC_3V3_CPU,
SC0/SD0 is pulled up by VCC_3V3_SB, and SC7/SD7 is pulled by VCC_3V3.
When power up, VCC_3V3_SB is powered up firstly,then VCC_3V3_CPU, VCC_3V3 is the last one.
1. These voltage connection is ok or not, whether SC0/SD0 pull up voltage VCC_3V3_SB impact TCA9548A function/performance/reliability or not?
2. Whether need consider these voltage power up sequence?
3. The Pull up resistor of SC0/SD0 will close to TCA9548A or close to device?
4. We also use PCA9548 in our project, is it also ok for PCA9548 application
Best Regards!