I recently went through the material on redundant CAN topology provided by your team, accessible through the following link: [Link: https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sllu172/sllu172.pdf?ts=1713461095781&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F]. However, I have a few questions and uncertainties regarding the content.
Firstly, I encountered an issue with this topology where one port of node loses connection with the network, causing the transceiver to become unterminated (60R). This situation leads to an unattenuated signal, and the transition between dominant and recessive signals becomes distorted. Consequently, the disconnected bus "destroy" the signal from the good port in AND port. Are there any alternatives or solutions to mitigate this problem effectively? See image bellow (RXP = BUS1, RXS = BUS2)
Secondly, concerning the XOR logic of the two RX ports, is there a way to determine which signal has failed in cases where this bit would remain high, excluding scenarios where the bus remains dominant? (Example: In the case of imagem above)
Lastly, I'm interested in exploring further material from your resources regarding this topic. Could you please direct me to additional materials, such as other topologies or strategies, that I can consult for a more comprehensive understanding?
Thank you for your attention to these inquiries. I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards, José Augusto Arbugeri.