Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83TD510E
We are testing the TDR function of DP83TC811S-Q1(100BASE-T1 PHY) and DP83TD510E(10BASE-T1L PHY).
The DP83TC811S-Q1 datasheet says the fault location value is obtained as raw value * 1.5[m]
TDRR Register 0x016B
bit[7:0] Fault Location
Fault Location:
To calculate fault location in meters, convert binary field to
decimal form and multiply by 1.5.
The DP83TD510E datasheet says fault location value in meters can be obtained from register 0x30C.
Also, we found it seems to be 12.5[m] times raw values stored in resisters 0x305 to 0x307.
TDR_Fault_Status 0x30C Bits [9:0] store fault location in meters
However, I think that the TDR location results depend on the propagation delay of the cable being tested.
How are these coefficients (1.5m and 12.5m) derived ?
Do you assume specific nominal propagation delay value? (e.g. 5.0ns/m)