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DS90UB953A-Q1: DS90UB953 Generate Fixed Color Pattern with YUV422 (UYVY) 10Bit format

Part Number: DS90UB953A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ALP



    I had check on the forum and found this.

DS90UB953-Q1: Pattern generation for YUV422 - Interface forum - Interface - TI E2E support forums

    I had similar question but different format. Can we use DS90UB953 pattern generator to generate RAW10 YUV422 UYVY 10 Bit format for Fixed Color Pattern 1 Color Bar.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your question. The pattern generator is able to generate any data type defined in the MIPI specification. The data type is specified in the indirect register 0x03. The CSI data code for YUV422 10bit is 0x1F. To program the pattern generator to YUV422 10 bit, simply update the script to set indirect register 0x03 = 0x1F.

  • Hi, 

        Yes. I had try using that indirect register and set to 0x1F. Can you give an example about solid color pattern RED? What value to write on the indirect register 0x10, 0x11, 0x12 and so on. 

  • Hello,

    Are you wanting to configure the color of the pattern bars, or only have a single color bar generated? The number of color bars can be configured in indirect register 0x02. To program for 1 color bar, set indirect register 0x02[5:4] = 00

    Also, if you have not used it already, the device ALP profile has a pattern generator tab, which can be useful to generate the appropriate register settings for a specific configuration.

  • Yes, I only want to generate 1 color bar fixed. Can you help to provide a list of register that generate red color YUV422 10 bit UYVY format. 

  • Hello,

    Please note, the pattern generator feature operates in two modes. The reference bar mode, where each bar has a different color/frequency, and the fixed color bar mode, where a fixed pattern of bytes are sent for the first bar and the inverse pattern of bytes in the next bar (the pattern and inverse pattern repeat generating alternating color bars).

    The YUV422 10 bit data type uses 5 bytes for every 2 pixels, and not all colors can be generated due to the repeated byte value formatting of the pattern generator. However, if you use RGB888, an all red screen should be generated by setting registers 0x03 = 0x24, 0x10 = 0x0, 0x11 = 0x0, and 0x12 = 0xFF.

  • Hi,

        Actually at the beginning I already try using RGB888 and it had no problem, using fixed color bar mode and select only 1 color bar. After that I would like to try another format, like you mention above setting at register 0x03. And after that I am having some difficulty on generate fix color pattern for YUV422 10bit. 

       So, is it possible to generate "RED color" for YUV422 10bit format, in Fix color bar?  The YUV422 10 bit data type uses 5 bytes for every 2 pixels, and not all colors can be generated due to the repeated byte value formatting of the pattern generator. 

  • Hello,

    In order to generate a red screen, you will need to use the RGB888 data type.

  • Hi,

        Back to the question. For DS90UB953 pattern generation function, don't had ability to generate solid red color for YUV422 format, even setting in the indirect register 0x03? There are some reasons I need to use YUV422 format.

  • Hi JD,

    Darrah is OoO today and will be back on Monday

  • Hello,

    No, YUV422 can not generate a red screen, in order to do this you will need to use the RGB888 data type.